Photo: Jessica Rigdon

Photo: Jessica Rigdon

Photo: Jessica Rigdon

Photo: Jessica Rigdon
The Blood Effects
The blood effects for Evil Dead were created using a variety of methods. The main item that was used was a car windshield washer motor system. We used three of these motors installed throughout the set. Each station had an easy access bottom for performers to use during the run. In addition to the windshield washer motors we implemented Hudson Sprayers and a pound fountain pump.

Wall Mounted Unit
Photo: Nate Mohlman

Door Mounted Unit
Photo: Nate Mohlman
One of the motors was installed in a mobile bench unit that was hooked up to a two-way value which provided the actors some flexibility within the system to strike the splatter zone with the blood effects.

Photo: Nate Mohlman
Bench Mounted Unit
Geyser Effect
Testing of the blood geyser effect on set. A submergible pump was utilized to accomplish the effect with accuracy and repeatability. With the application of a hose and nozzle we were able to adjust the height and scope of the action.